To date, most of the current national “minister related organizations” focus primarily on issue advocacy, pulpit freedom, and related issues.
While those issues are important, the NPA seeks to aid the individual pastor in their professional capacity to enhance their growth and commitment to their calling and their craft.
Regardless of the denomination, many pastors feel alone or unsupported as they navigate the sensitive issues in their churches.
The NPA was established as an outlet where pastors can consult with other pastors as professionals.
The Association seeks to curate an ever-growing database of accessible materials to aid pastors in all areas of their career, to ensure that their houses of worship are always operating with best practices.
The NPA will also provide a voice for pastors on behalf of their profession as ministers. Unlike other groups that have encouraged pastors to weigh in primarily on political issues, the NPA seeks to engage in issue advocacy on matters related to specifically to the profession of the working pastor.
Ministry is a calling, but it’s all a profession. The NPA is committed to strengthening the pastor as a professional.